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July 23 - 27, 2025 * Le Mars, Iowa
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The Best 5 Days of Summer
Fair Schedule - July 23 - 27, 2025  >
Wednesday - Best 5 Days of Summer
Thursday - Best 5 Days of Summer
Friday - Best 5 Days of Summer
Saturday - Best 5 Days of Summer
Sunday - Best 5 Days of Summer
Gate Admission
Grandstand - Motocross, Tuff Truck, Outlaw Pull, Demo Derby & Fig. 8 - FREE
Pioneer Village Entertainment, Food & Activities  >
Pioneer Village Stage
Pioneer Village Food & Fun
Kid Entertainment - Free!
Cooking School
Bill Riley Talent Search
Chain Saw Artist
Impact Pro Wrestling
4-H and FFA Competitions
Open Class Competitions
Antique Machinery Display
Century Hall
Arenas  >
Covered Show Arena
Horse Arena
Fair Royalty
Bacon Buddies®
What's New in '24
Fair Partners
Sorting & Penning Sporting Event
Bill Riley Talent Search
Open Class Kids' Shows - Pet & Lil Britches Bucket Calf
Derby, Motocross, Tuff Truck, Figure 8
Open: Antiques & Collectibles
Open: Photography
Open Beef Show - Highway 3 Cattle Battle
Open: Creative Hobbies & Art Show
Open: Draft Horse & Mule Show
Open: Food & Preservation
Open: Fun Day Horse Show
Open: Horticulture
Open Livestock Judging Contest - Youth & Adult
Sorting & Penning Sporting Event_Copy1
4-H & FFA Rules
Fair Food
Fair Food
Fair Supporters & Vendors
Ways to Support the Fair
Honorariums & Gifts
Plymouth County Fair Auction & Wood Carvings
4-H & FFA Livestock Ribbon Auction
Vendors  >
Indoor Vendor Information
Outdoor Vendor Information
Gate Attendants & Car Parkers
Board Page
Denny Lundgren Scholarship
Facility Rental & Storage
Kid Entertainment - Free!
Family Stage -
The Red Trouser Show
The Red Trouser Show
Multiple Performances a Day
Acrobatics, Comedy and Fire Juggling!
Tobin and David have known each other since they were seven years old, as they grew up as neighbors in New Hampshire.
After touring with internationally acclaimed Circus Smirkus, they went on to create their own show in 2006, which they have been invited to perform the world over, including the Iowa State Fair.
Their show is amazing! You will want to see their show more than once!
Internationally-known Entertainment
Mutton Busting
Belt Buckle Prizes to be Awarded
T & C Rodeo company will be on hand to bring Mutton Bustin' to the Plymouth County Fair Friday evening.
To be eligible, a rider must be 70 pounds or less and have a parent or guardian sign a waiver.
Registration begins at 7 pm, at the Livestock Arena.
After making time, riders are scored. Helmets are provided. The announcer will provide more instructions.
Ribbons for all participants and buckles for the top ten!
Riders show their grit at 7:30 pm on Friday
Kids' Day - Featuring Pedal Tractor Pull
Activities * Crafts * Yard Games * Pedal Tractor Pull
Fun for all your little ones can be found in Century Hall on Saturday morning with lots of things for kids to do.
Start your morning with crafts, learning opportunities, and games -- thanks to Plymouth County's ISU Extension and Outreach.
Follow that fun with one of the kids' favorites -- the Pedal Tractor Pull. Youngsters, ages 4-13, will get the opportunity to pull on one of four tractors, specially designed for each age group. Ribbons are provided to pullers.
The roar of the tractor might not be as loud as the Outlaws Tractor Pulling Series, but the enthusiasm of the crowd is just as robust!
This is a non-sanctioned pull. Registration takes place onsite prior to the event.
Enjoy the Air-conditioned Century Hall, While Your Kids Take in All the Fun
Bike Giveaway
Calling all Kids, 13 and Under ... Here's Your Chance to Win a Bike
Thanks to the generosity of the Plymouth County Fairboard, there will be a drawing for girls and boys bikes on Saturday AND Sunday.
Sign up by Century Hall -- from 2 - 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday -- to win one of four bikes to be given away. If the bike on-site isn't quite the right size for its new owner, it can easily be exchanged.
At 4 pm on Saturday and Sunday, the Plymouth County Fair Royalty will draw the winners. Each day one boy and one girl will be selected as the winner. Good luck!
Must be Present to Win
Inflatables and Kind Tent Fun Zone
Three Inflatable Bouncy Houses & A Place to Relax
Stroll on over to the southwest part of the grounds to have lots of family fun. A family stage, activities tent, and bouncy houses will make way to some new memories.
Thank you to our Community Sponsors who Help us Bring New Fun to the Fair
Working Exhibits for Kids to Enjoy
Kids Helping Kids
The 4-H kids who bring a working exhibit to the fair look forward to you stopping by their tables to learn and participate in their projects.
It is a super fun way for kids to learn a wide variety of things, while helping their peers at the same time. You see, the 4-H kids who bring working exhibits to the fair for you to enjoy are actually competing in a 4-H category designed for a kid audience. And the best of the best get to advance to the Clay County Fair and the Iowa State Fair to share their projects with another audience.
See what an amazing job these 4-Hers do with their projects
2:30 pm on Friday - in Century Hall
Kiddie Barn - Animal Learning Center
Open Daily with Educational Activities
Enjoy the Stroller-friendly Walkway!
The Kiddie Barn/Animal Learning Center, presented by the Le Mars FFA Chapter, with support from Plymouth County FFA Chapters, is a great opportunity to learn more about animals through interactive exhibits and fun giveaways! In the newly renovated building, you will learn about baby lambs, calves, goats, pigs and chicks.
Hatching Chicks
Elgin No. 2 -- The Schlesser Schoolhouse
Activities, Games & Giveaways
Royal Readings at 3 pm Every Day
Daily Scavenger Hunt, Coloring Contest & Guessing Jar
You don't have to be a school-aged kid to enjoy your stop at the Schoolhouse in the Pioneer Village. Here fun awaits in the form of contests, fine motor activities, one room schoolhouse history and more!
Plan to Stop at the Schoolhouse Often to See the New Activities
Clover Zone
STEM Activities * Face Painting * Crafts
How about a fun, interactive place for kids to hangout! The Clover Zone, named in honor of the 4-H Cover Kids Program, will be housed in the Blair House. You may know the the Blair House because of it's inviting front porch, with green door, and close proximity to the ice cream shop!
While you are there, learn more about the 4-H and the Clover Kids programs.
Horse and Buggy Rides
A Long-Running Tradition at the Plymouth County Fair
The Plymouth County Fair is known for its great draft horse and buggy rides. With multiple teams and buggies running periodically throughout the fair, you can get a free ride around the grounds.
Yes; There is Such a Thing as a Free Ride
Animals, Animals...
& More Animals!
If your youngster likes animals, we have them in every shape and color! From goats, to horses, to rabbits, pigs and chickens -- and some pretty cool pets -- you will have the opportunity to see lots of animals performing in show rings, taking a bath, getting a haircut or snoozing in their pens.
Check Out One of the Many Shows Where Fellow Kids are Proudly Displaying Their Animal Projects
Tractors, Tractors ...
& More Machinery!
No matter your size, it is pure county fair fun to stand amongst the many tractors and machinery on display. From vintage to the latest and greatest, there are all kinds -- & colors -- for you to climb on.
Red, Green, Blue, Orange, Yellow: What's Your Favorite?
Your Favorite Treats
Free Watermelon and Sweet Corn, Pride of Iowa, Outstanding Food Stands & Much More
With all there is to do at the fair, you will work up a pretty good appetite. There are so many great foods -- and don't forget dessert! Better yet, how about more than one dessert?!
Each Day Offers Something New, But Spectacular Fair Food is Guaranteed Every Day
Photo Fun
Photo Boards Galore
Scattered throughout the fair, there are lots of photo boards, many of which were made as a 4-H static project and given to the fair by a generous Plymouth County 4-H member.
The boards are a cute backdrop for hundreds of adorable pictures each year. Take your picture and share it on social media!
Where Will You Take This Year's Picture?
The Round Barn
Interactive Displays & Agricultural-themed Fun
Everyone will enjoy a stop in the Round Barn. There are things for big people -- & little people. Check it out!
Two Levels! Upstairs You Can Learn More About Agriculture & Find Some Neat Giveaways
Open Class, Clover Kids & Buddies, Talent Search
Experience the Fair in a New Way by Entering a Project or Contest
From the open shows -- like pet, photography, art, food, and horticulture -- to the contestants, like the Bill Riley Talent Search, and Clover Buddy Animal shows, there are so many ways kids can participate in the fair.
Become a part of the tradition!
Visit the Fair Book to Learn More About These & More Opportunities
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