July 23 - 27, 2025 * Le Mars, Iowa
Home > Competitors > Open Class Kids' Shows - Pet, Rabbit, Calf, Goat, Sheep, Poultry

Open Class Kids' Shows - Pet, Rabbit, Calf, Goat, Sheep, Poultry

Open Youth Livestock Shows, a program sponsored by the Plymouth County Fair Board and coordinated by Plymouth County Extension and Outreach, provides the opportunity for kids who are not yet old enough to be enrolled in 4-H an opportunity to show an animal project at the fair.

Participants are asked to register on-site, shortly before the corresponding show begins. Superintendents will be available to check in the project. An adult will need to be present to complete the paperwork.

Ring assistants will be available, but all exhibitors must be able to control their animals in the show ring without help.

You can find the rules here.

Direct questions to plymouthcountyfair@gmail.com or the corresponding superintendent.

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